Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 1: In the Beginning

Developer's Dairies (dd)
Day 1
In the Beginning

After considerable prayer, I have been lead to believe that I need to take a semester off from school. This is for two apparent reasons - 1) To seek clearer and stronger relationship with God. 2) To develop my skills in Computer Tech Skills through programming and hacking. I will do this by reading the Word, programming an Android App, doing weekly hacking projects, and writing it all here. To be fair to everyone reading this, I will have an Intro section, followed by my Daily Devotional section, followed by my Daily Android Update section, and closing with my Hack Theory section. All of my hacking projects will be posted to the Hack Theory Mailing list. If you don't want to read a section, skip it. The entire blog will be an accountability and log for me to reflect on latter.

[Daily Devotional]
I need to find a Daily Devotional I can go through, preferably online. My current problems are - porn, video games, gluttony, laziness, lack of motivation, lack of self confidence, and most importantly is the inability to be in tune with God's will. It will be impossible to find a guide that covers everything, but I will hope to find one that covers some or most. On top of that, I will be using my roommates as barriers to help me keep away from doing things like porn or too much video games (I will not be giving up video games, probably ever!). At the same time, I will try and keep praying daily. I will wright down some of those prayers - big ones, but there are some secrets between God and I.

[Daily Droid UpDate]
I have already installed the Droid SDK and have gained access to several Java Books. Boy do I hate Java. From what I have used it for it has way to many limitations. I worry that my project may require to many resources than what the phone can provided - especially since it has a governor built into the phone to limit apps ability to over take the OS. If I design the system to use similar principles as the Linux Kernel - Mono with modules. Then perhaps I will only need to load modules when I need them. Finally, I have downloaded similar open source projects from Source Forge to go through the source code. I should be doing that right

[Hack Theory]
I am going to be going through the Wink system to develop how-to videos for HT. I have already created a video, but I probably need to recreate with the Wink system. It is called "How to Surf the Web Safely: A Quick How-To for Firefox Users". I think at HT we need to develop our tag system, so that users can find How-To guides for beginner/average Users, advanced Users, and finally guru Users. Something to bring up at the next meeting.

I have to much to do, no time to do it in, and worse - StarCraft 2 is sitting on my desktop. I would like to finally point out that I will be working 3 days a week in construction and another 3 days a week for the University IT as a Lab Assistant. This is to keep me in shape, keep a roof over my head, and pay for following semester. Also, I might have a random section of important events, but I do not want that to take control of the Blog.


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