Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day X: Revamp

developer's dairies (dd)
Day X

So as usual, I didn't stick with it. I could make excuses like: I was to tired from working construction; I kept having my parents wanting me to do extra; I worked late. You get my point, way too easy to make excuses - except an excuse to get back to ****ing work. There is always new "stuff" on the same old websites that I visit, and new games that I could make a life style out of being a lonely gamer. Or I could actually set goals, impossible goals, and actually get them done. Though I do need to revamp this...this digital log. I will be keeping hard notes, but having the accountability that people can read is also good. Still, if I write every little thing I do, I wont get much done. Therefore, I am moving to a weekly and event driven basis. Every Sunday, I will report on the week and set new goals for that week.

Last week, I did go to a mass gathering of Christian groups, in the hope of searching out which ones I will try. I have found the following "worthy" of my time - Navs, CV, and Chi Alpha (mostly the Greek name got me). If I don't find any there, I will find another. As for Bible Studies, I am doing Abiding in Christ and my own reverse Old Testament (I'll start from the end and work my way backwards - never manged to get past Proverbs). I will probably have more to report in section after actually doing some reading.

I have deployed every thing on both my desktop and laptop. I will be using Linux on my laptop because it should, in theory, keep me away from distractions (barring basic nmap scans!). I am now going through the old code from open source calculators and I will start reading Data Structure books.

[Hack Theory]
I am working on making a project log for my Droid app so that I can deploy my findings there, but in the mean time, I need to actually get something posted. I have looked over that Wink system and now need to write up the how-to for that and the internet.

I need to get to work.


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